
Thursday, October 31, 2013

When Happiness is Two Steps Out of Reach

You cannot wait for happiness to come after you are successful. Whether you think happiness comes after making a certain amount of money or accomplishing a certain goal, or getting something or a person you want, it never works for long.

Why? Because when we achieve something, we simply set a new goal. We always want more. More money, more love, more toys, more whatever. If happiness is on the other side of those future wants, you will never reach it; those dreams are always one step out of reach and thus happiness is always two steps out of reach. Forever.

So if you think, "I will be happy when _____," then I'm sorry. No you won't. Or it will be fleeting. I can't tell you where to find your happiness, and I can't tell you how to find your happiness, but I can tell you the only time you can find happiness, and that is right now.

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