
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10-Day Juice Fast – Half Point

Well I am nearly half done the 10-day juice fast, and although it’s been difficult running a low-level of hunger much of the time, so far it’s been tolerable and I haven’t been tempted to quit. I’m a little weak, a little spaced out, and a little sick of juice, but that’s all right. The fact of doing something good for me and the growing sense of accomplishment as I stick to my plan mitigates some of the physical and psychological distress of self-denial.

And speaking of self-denial, there’s a difference between suffering as a victim and choosing to suffer. When you choose to suffer in the short term for a long-term goal, such as working out to build muscle or refraining from certain bad foods for the sake of your health, you build up the confidence in yourself that you need to tackle more difficult challenges.
If we constantly give in to the whiney little brat of our desires, we’ll soon have a monster on our hands. So tame your desires a bit by saying “no” to yourself once in a while. In time you’ll find that when you need to deny yourself some immediate gratification for your greater good, you’ll have the strength to do so.

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