
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Don't Be Outcome Dependent

It is a challenge to hold onto happiness and peace when something desired or dreamed of is pulled away from you, drawing the potent energy of hope away with it as it leaves.

It reminds me of one of the biggest secrets to contentment and happiness, and that is to not allow yourself to be outcome dependent. Our happiness should not depend on things turning out a certain way. Outcomes are often beyond our control.

What is in our control is to choose to put our energy and focus into the present, accepting the reality of now, and refusing to waste much of ourselves grieving over what might have been or what might be.

So as an event beyond my control closes off one of the paths I had hoped to walk, I am ever more dedicated to invest my time, mind, and heart into the most beautiful and powerful place anyone can live: the now.

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