
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Importance of Feeling Valued

In the workplace, in friendships, and in romantic relationships, no one wants to feel as if they are just filling a spot and could be replaced by anyone at any time.

Our society, especially advertising, actively seeks to condition us into being insecure: your body, your possessions, your life choices, your achievements - none of them are good enough.

This has lead to a culture of people who act big on the outside and feel small on the inside.

So how can we be the change we want to see? One way is to express warmth and connection in any relationship by showing others they are valued:
  • Be specific with praise
  • Listen and remember details - it shows you are listening
  • Make eye contact
  • Express non-superficial admiration and sincere compliments
  • Express thanks for thoughtfulness shown
  • Celebrate other's achievements
  • Remind others why you value them
Words are powerful, so let's use them to build others up. A word of encouragement, appreciation, or support from you can make a big difference in someone's life (even your own).

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