
Friday, May 31, 2013

To Receive Love, Show Love

An 87-year-old woman - a client of mine - just got back home from many months recovering in a nursing home after a fall led to a serious infection. It was a hard road back for her, and she was so glad to be once more in familiar surroundings among friends and family.

She needs some support to stay safe and independent as possible in her home, so I met with her to set things up, and she told me th
at she was scared to fall again because she knew that might send her back to the hospital.

Today she called and we talked about services and she said, “Your hug made me feel secure again.” It made my day and serves as a reminder that an act of simple affection can be so meaningful to someone who has been suffering.

Remember that whatever it is you think you are lacking in your life, whether it be kindness, an understanding ear, respect, affection… the best way to receive is not to wait for it, but to give it to others. The way feel loved is not to receive love, but to show love.

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