
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


A time of adversity is like so many stones being dumped on your head. It hurts, and you just want to throw your arms up to protect yourself. You want to give up. But if you stop fighting, you get buried.

So you keep struggling, you persevere. And when the dust settles, you look down and see a curious thing: you now stand on a mountain that was built from those painful stones.

You look up and see a breathtakingly beautiful view. The vista you now see is not only one of beauty, but many of the problems that loomed so large and intimidating now look so much smaller and less significant.

And as you stand on your mountain of stones, a survivor, a person of vision and perspective, you might even give humble thanks for the time of adversity that, although it brought pain for a time, has given you such a wonderful gift.

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