
Monday, September 30, 2013

Only Love that is Free Can be Immortal

You are wild, free, and beautiful. I love you! Now here, let me slip this bridle on you, and let me lead you into my cage. I will feed you and care for you and run with you, but you must always be under my control for I cannot bear to lose you. You are mine. And if I get tired or distracted, I may leave you for you a long time in your stuffy, dirty stall. But do not forget I love you.

Is this love or is it possession? When we love someone, do we trade their freedom for our sense of security?

Let those we love run free. If they come to us, if they stay, our heart will swell with the joy that they do so of their own will and desire. And if they choose to go, let them. It is a hard truth, but only love that is free can be immortal. If we try to trap love it will eventually die. Let us turn our false sense of security into an appreciation for what we have, while we have it, and be blessed.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Eyes Unaware

I see her beautiful face
and my heart longs to save her,
because her eyes are unaware
of the practiced smile
that plays beneath them.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Caring for Others

Caring for and helping others is a crucial part of being happy. Besides the obvious good feelings that come with loving others, there is a less obvious but powerful benefit: perspective.

The more we focus on our own problems, the larger they loom in our minds. They fill our field of vision and eventually block out almost all light.

Conversely, to help others is like zooming out on a map. "Hey, those mountains in my life are more like, well, molehills."

Listen to someone who needs to be heard. Show empathy with no expectation of return. You might just find that a small act of loving another is a huge act of loving yourself.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Logic and Love

My logic at last admits its vanity
and I long for love's insanity.

Overcoming Addiction

One of the keys to overcoming addiction is not trying to fight the behavior directly, but by becoming aware of the key moment you feel trapped or helpless. That moment is often the hidden trigger that starts the process that leads to you acting on your addiction. When you become aware of your trigger, that is the time to perform a positive action, however small, that gives you a sense of control over the situation.