
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Philosopher Brute

Anthropologists wonder whether sapiens
destroyed or bred neanderthalensis to extinction,
and one glance at my brow, as it happens,
provides a conclusive answer to the question.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why I Love

I am an artist,
I look at you and draw inspiration;
you are why I create.

I am an athlete,
I look at you and draw strength;
you are why I push.

I am a soldier,
I look at you and draw courage;
you are why I fight.

I am a worker,
I look at you and draw meaning;
you are why I toil.

I am a man,
I look at you and draw purpose;
you are why I love.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Virus and the Cure

You are the virus and the cure,
raging relentless in my veins,
burning hot and pure.

You are the heat and cold,
swirling sensations of pleasure and pain;
I see white. Crimson. Gold.

You are the blessing and the curse,
and I can't say which of these is better,
and which of them is worse.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Love is a Prisoner

My love is a prisoner,
shackled in fear.
She's whipped
with shame,
and tortured
with blame.

Though my love is a prisoner
I ache to hold near,
I’ve no power
to set her free,
for in her dear hand
she holds the key.

Friday, August 3, 2012


The busy days,
nor the social nights,
the anger of the cruel,
nor the comfort of the kind,
can long keep thoughts of you
rising, unbidden, to my mind.